Our  Services During Covid-19

The COVID-19 crisis has affected the lives and all legal businesses are no exception. If you are looking for legal assistance, we want you to know that our lawyers are still here, and still ready to help. You can call or email us any time to schedule a free consultation, and receive immediate legal advice and assistance.

In the interim, there are important changes to both legal and court services of which everyone looking for legal services should be aware.

Since the pandemic ahamark has made significant changes to the way we provide legal services to ensure our clients’ safety, as well as those of our lawyers and staff. In many ways, we have actually optimized our systems to provide better service to our clients. Below is a listing of the most notable changes.

Virtual Client Meetings

Our team has adopted the latest telephone and audio conference programs, including What’s App, Zoom among others. This means we can meet you virtually anywhere (no pun intended), including from the comfort of your own home or office.

The video conference option also allows you to record our video meeting for future review and reference. When we meet clients in person, there is so much information to remember that our clients call back asking to be reminded of some of the details. By recording the video call, this critical information and advice is preserved.

Electronic Document Exchange

Instead of bringing all your documents in for your in-person consultation with our lawyers, we can process most of your and our documents electronically. We can also send you documents electronically. Even documents that require a legal signature can be signed electronically and sent back to us with a click of a button on your electronic device, or a swipe of a finger.

Virtual Disclosure Review

One of the best features of a virtual meeting is that we can share our computer screen with you so you can see what we see on our computer screen. This allows us to go over police documents, or even video evidence, together in real-time from the comfort of your own home
